Recommended Product - Katuo Dashi Granule Type

This is a dashi stock granule with a rich flavor, meticulously crafted to capture the essence of bonito flakes. The smoky aroma imparted during the smoking process of bonito flakes enhances the taste of dishes and brings out their umami. It can be used in a wide range of dishes such as miso soup, noodle broths, simmered dishes, and oden.

Company Overview

Number of employees: 292 (03/2023)

Main office: 1-57 Miyako, Shunan, Yamaguchi

Year of establishment: 1950

Company Mission

“Gently, deliciously, joyfully.”

We cherish the blessings of nature and insist on providing products that are ‘gentle, delicious, and enjoyable.’ By offering soothing products, we contribute to our customers’ healthy, abundant, and enjoyable eating lifestyles. Through our commitment to Japanese cuisine, harmony with our customers, harmony with the environment, harmony with the local community, harmony among our employees, and harmony with our business partners, we will continue to provide ‘soothing’ products that contribute to healthy and enjoyable eating lifestyles.