Recommended Product - Oi-Ocha Unsweetened Green Tea

This is a fragrant, smooth, and flavorful green tea beverage made with 100% domestically sourced tea leaves.

“The Secret of Oi-Ocha’s Deliciousness”

“Round Raw Tea Leaves” produced from dedicated tea fields and factories enable freshness preservation. Reducing contact with oxygen delays oxidation, which leads to tea deterioration. Simplifies manufacturing processes such as firing and extraction, shortening the tea production time. “Oxidation Control” focused on the deliciousness the moment it’s opened. Controls the effects of oxygen and heat, considering the time until consumption. Expressing the flavor demanded by the world each year. Adjusts taste, aroma, bitterness, etc., to match the preferences of each year.

Company Overview

Number of employees: 7,928 (04/2023)
Main office: 3-47-10, Honnmaachi, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, 151-8550
Year of establishment: 1929

Company Mission

“We contribute to our customers’ healthy and abundant lives, and to the realization of a sustainable society.”

Oi-Ocha has been striving since its launch in 1989 to make delicious tea more accessible to more customers, in more situations, as a familiar presence. We aim to promote ‘deliciousness,’ ‘health,’ ‘enjoyment,’ ‘environment,’ and ‘culture’ through various initiatives. We will continue to strive towards becoming the ‘World’s Tea Company,’ sharing the charm of tea from the tea fields.